Saturday, 24 September 2011

Wind Turbines - what's the problem?

I just don't understand all the fuss about wind turbines - now I'm certainly not claiming that they are the most attractive things in the world but people seem to get in a right state about the prospect of one being put up in or near their area.  One of the farmers near to our house was going to have a few installed - they would have been up on the hill but behind a line of very tall trees - so they'd have been hardly visible unless you actually went onto his land to get a close look and they would certainly have looked no worse than the massive line of electricity pylons and accompanying trails of wiring which already stretch across the skyline and which in my humble opinion are a lot uglier.  The farmer received all sorts of hate mail including death threats and in the end decided not to go ahead because it wasn't worth all the hassle.  I reckon there are lots of things which we have grown to accept as part of everyday life which are pretty unattractive - TV aerials and masts, satellite dishes etc - and people don't complain about these.  I wonder if anyone made so much fuss when these things were first introduced - I certainly don't remember it .  I'm also pretty sure that if they became more popular someone would soon come up with something a little more attractive to look at and which wasn't bright white so that it would blend into the background a bit more.

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